Hello there - welcome to my personal webpage!

My name is Yuxuan Wu.
I'm a first-year PhD student in Music X Lab at Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, supervised by Professor Gus Xia and Professor Bhiksha Raj.
Before I entered MBZUAI, I completed my Master's degree in Music and Technology at Carnegie Mellon University, where I was advised by Professor Roger Dannenberg. I graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University with a Bachelor's degree in Information Engineering, where I conducted research on speech synthesis with Professor Jie Zhu.
My research interest lies in the field of music AI, including AI music generation, music information retrieval and music representation learning, hoping to not only promote applications of AI in music appreciation and creation, but also broaden the horizon of AI by and for humanity. I also have experience in the industrial side of computer music, having had two internships in ByteDance AI Lab and TikTok, respectively.

As a musician, I compose and produce various types of music. I started playing the keyboard at 6, and started writing songs at 13. Over the years I published some of my works in the name of BowOfAtlas.

Curriculum Vitae
